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A Note of Faith & Gratitude.
Written: August 31st 2024
​​While attending social events throughout the real estate industry, I quickly realized the number one question after property management is brought up is "How many doors do you manage?", and then the person asking does a quick assessment on how successful they think you are. Sometimes it determines the direction of the rest of the conversation.
Interesting. As an investor, I have a more thorough knowledge in what those "doors" actually entail, not just the remodel process or loan that it took to even bring that "door" up to actual habitability standards, but also the people (and their pets) that have made that "door" their home, for how long, and for what reasons.
I always thought that question was very superficial, because the number of doors you manage does not bring any clarity or reference to how much responsibility you may have, what your bottom line is, how "successful" you or the company may be, or even the significance of improvement or impact you may have brought to that community.
I took a break from these events for a short period.
Now when asked the question, I try to hide my annoyance of being quickly & inaccurately assessed, by responding with "We are small by choice" or something similar without giving them the quick judgment analysis they wanted.
The # rule not only in real estate but business in general is probably to not be emotionally tied. I am a professional, and I do agree with this statement, but I also do not forget each "door" that has been loyal to our company, followed through with their part of the contract, and chosen to renew with us time and time again.
Over the past few years, Real Estate has endured some of the biggest changes I may ever see in my lifetime. Shutdowns of economies around the world, drastically affecting property values for better and worse, (depending on who you are at the time), viruses (or the consequences of) have wrecked families through death or loss of their careers, and moratoriums that have immorally shifted liability over to investors so much that it has caused them to reassess their entire portfolios, lively hoods and retirement options while providing housing services to those who prefer to rent or may need to rent, for various reasons.
During these changes, I have made the decision to downsize our company to less than half of our clientele and properties managed. This decision was based on a future restructuring plan. I have seen "the writing on the walls" since 2017, and have been preparing for what I believe to be an economic depression that none of us have ever seen in our lifetime. How crazy must I sound when homeowners are seeing their values go up 100's of thousands of dollars.
With not many people to talk to who see what I have been seeing, I have prepared anyways.
As I was reading a book that resonated with me in the book store,
I read the Author's words that I wanted to share, quoted at the bottom.
With much gratitude,
A Toast.......to our ability to stay in business through one of the most challenging and diverse times
our generations may ever go through as a Country.
A Toast...... to Marcoe Management's 10 year anniversary (coming January 2025), and all the official and unofficial supporters of myself and this company who's efforts & offerings have kept us going, and......
A Toast.........to our future restructure & possible expansion so we can continue helping people with their homes, their businesses and real estate needs & decisions. ​​
Regardless of what may come our way, please remember to be kind to each other, to be fair, and to not judge each other.
If you don't already know someone who has struggled for various reasons recently,
there may be a time coming (especially in the Real Estate industry) where you may.
These same acts of kindness will mean so much more to someone on a day where it is needed, even when you may not know it.​
"When you're working on a project, you may notice apparent coincidences appearing more often than randomness allows - almost as if there is another hand guiding yours in a certain direction. As if there is an inner knowing gently informing your movements. Faith allows you to trust the direction without needing to understand it."​
Author: Rick Rubin. The Creative Act: A Way of Being.
As always, thank you to those who choose to trust their homes & investments with us!
~Brittani M, Designated Broker~
Marcoe Management, LLC

Welco​me ​Home!
Welco​me ​Home!
Edited August 19th 2024
Our business model has always aimed for long-term relationships
with our Clients and Residents alike.
Relationships that last.....possibly for decades.
We believe in the importance of starting relationships with a strong foundation by communicating expectations and building trust with one another from the beginning.
Over the years, as our laws, economy, & industry best practices have changed, we have continuously refined our business model, niche, expectations, move in processes, and company brand, to continue to provide the best services available in the industry.
One small example: Our move in gifts provided to our Residents have evolved alongside us, and have recently become more brand centered, elegant & welcoming.
Thank you to those who choose to trust their homes & investments with us!
~Brittani M, Designated Broker~
Marcoe Management, LLC